
e-Granthalaya is a Digital Platform developed by National Informatics Centre, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India for Government Libraries. Under the platform, NIC provides a complete ICT solution with integrated Library Management Software, Digital Library Module, Cloud hosting environment and a Library Portal (OPAC) with NICSI empaneled Roll-out Services support. e-Granthalaya is useful to transform traditional libraries to e-Library with Digital Library Services which includes, automation of in-house activities of libraries, digital library integration, and to provide various online member services using Single Window Access System. Latest version of e-Granthalaya i.e. Ver.4.0 is a 'Cloud Ready Application' and provides a Web-based solution in enterprise mode with a centralized database for cluster of libraries. The ICT solution is well compliance with International standards prevalent in Libraries with use of latest ICT technology and Cloud hosting. e-Granthalaya 4.0 uses PostgreSQL - an Open Source DBMS as back-end database solution and is made available in NIC National Cloud  (Meghraj) for Government Libraries on request basis with hosting of application and databases for online access. Eligible Govt/Semi-govt organizations/libraries may send scan copy of duly filled/stamped PI Request Form along with covering letter at egranthalaya[at]nic[dot]in to initiate process.


e-Granthalaya was started as an in-house project at 'Karnataka State Centre of NIC, Bangalore' and first version of the software was designed for the Public Libraries in the State. Later, NIC HQs 'Library and Information Services Division' took over the designing of the software where library professionals were involved in the designing process and, thus, improved the software with enhanced user interface and simplify the work-flow of library functions so that it can suit to all kinds of libraries. Following table shows the release of various versions of the software:

Technology/Platform used Version Year DBMS Edition
Visual Basic 6/ASP/HTML 1.0 2003 MS SQL Server 7 Public Library Edition
Visual Basic 6/ASP/HTML 2.0 2005 MS SQL Server 2000 Government Libraries Edition
VB.NET/ASP.NET 2.0 3.0 2007 MS SQL Server 2005 Network Edition
ASP.NET 4.0/AJAX/JQUERY/JSON/SilverLight 4.0 2015 PostGreSQL-an Open Source DBMS Enterprise Edition
System Requirements
  • Application is hosted in NIC National Cloud and used Online by User Libraries for Data Entry and Member Services.
  • No Component is installed and nothing to maintain at User End (Database and Application are hosted in NIC National Cloud )
  • User Library needs to have Desktops with High-Speed Internet Connectivity (With Min 4 MBPS).
  • Other Infrastructure requied in Library: Desktop Bar Code Printer / Scanner / Small Laser Printer
Software Components
e-Granthalaya 4.0 contains following components:
  • Database (Separate database for each library cluster).
  • e-Granthalaya 4.0 Application
  • Crystal Reports Executables.
  • Z39.50 Libraries
Implementation and Distribution Policy

As per NIC Policy on e-Granthalaya, the software is provided to the Government and Semi-Organizations  only. The Software is not installed in libraries, rather it is hosted in NIC Cloud and libraries need to use it online, thus, high-speed NET connectivity (min 4-8 MBPS speed) is required in libraries.

How to Get Software?

The New e-Granthalaya Policy has been finalized and it has been decided to Charge Rs.21,275/= from each library opting to use eG4 on NIC Cloud - as one time payment for a five years period. These charges are paid to NICSI towards hosting, maintenance and Help-Desk support. Users may send scan copy of duly filled PI Request Form along with covering letter at  egranthalaya[at]nic[dot]in  and sibli[at]nic[dot]in to initiate the implementation process.

How To Access e-Granthalaya 4.0 On Cloud?

Once library gets an Online Account of e-Granthalaya 4.0 from NIC then user may access the application thorugh https://eg4.nic.in e-Granthalaya 4.0 - LIVE link may be clicked and then Select the Cluster - then Login

Eligible Organizations / Libraries
Following organizations are eligible to get implementation of e-Granthalaya 4.0 o NIC Cloud:
  • Government Libraries under Ministries/Departments/Organizations of Central / State Governments.
  • Government Public Libraries.
  • Kendriya Vidyalayas and Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas / M/o Education, GOI
  • Central / State Government Schools/Colleges/Polytechnics/Universities.
  • Autonomous Bodies / Councils / Research Organizations / National Laboratories/IITs/IIMs/NIITs / PSUs of Centre and States.
  • Other Government Academic Institutions funded by Government.
  • Indian Embassies.
  • Indian Army / Navy / Air Force Libraries

List of Organizations Not Eligible for Software:-

  • Private Institutes/Colleges/Schools/Universities.
  • Aided/Autonomous Institutes/Colleges/Schools/Universities

NIC Empaneled Services
NIC is making efforts to empanel agencies of repute to provide user end services on empanelled rates.
These services include :-
1. Data Entry
2. Barcoding
3. Manpower deployement in Libraries.

Features At a Glance Features At a Glance

A. Domain Specific Features

  • Uses PostgreSQL - an Open Source DBMS.
  • Provides Web-based Data Entry Solution
  • UNICODE Compliant, supports data entry in local language
  • Module - Wise Permission to the software Users
  • Work-flow as per Indian Libraries
  • Retro-Conversion for direct Data Entry of Books in a single form.
  • Authority Files/ Master tables for Authors, Publishers, Subjects, etc.
  • Multi-Vol, Multi-Copy and Child-Parent Relationship pattern
  • Download Catalog Records from Internet
  • Z39.50 Client Search Built-in
  • Exhaustive Reports for Print
  • Export Records in CSV/Text File/MARC 21/MARC XML/ISO:2709/MS ACCESS/EXCEL formats
  • Import Records from EXCEL/MARC/MARCXML File.
  • Import Memberships Records from EXCEL File
  • Common/Centralized Database for All libraries under One Organization, minimize data entry
  • Main/Branch Libraries Acquisition/Cataloging
  • Print Accession Register in various Formats
  • Search Module built-in with basic/advance/boolean parameters
  • Library Statistics Reports
  • CAS/SDI Services and Documentation Bulletin / Library Newsletter
  • Updated Regulalry with enhanced Features
  • Compact/Summary/Detailed Reports Option
  • Generate Bibliography in AACR2
  • Data Entry Statistics Built-In
  • Full Text News Clipping Services Built-in
  • Digital Library integration with uploading / downloading of pdf/html/Tiff documents, accessible behind the Login
  • Micro-Documents Manger (Articles/Chapter Indexing) with uploading of full-text articles in pdf/html format
  • SERIALS Control System for Subscription with Auto-Generate Schedule
  • Budget Modules with Bill Register generation, manages Multi-Budget Heads
  • Well exhaustive Web Based OPAC Interface with separate Membership module, Web 3.0 / Library 3.0 Enabled
  • Multi-copies of Accession No can be accessioned in bulk with single click with Auto-Accession Number.
  • Manages e-Books with digital files in pdf or other formats, provides facilities of e-Book Viewer.
  • Photo Gallery available for uploading photo and pictures of the organizations - published on the Library Web site.
  • Manages Meta data for Non-Book Materialas also Includes database fields for Legal documents thus equally suitable to Law Libraries also.
  • Well Integrated with Barcode / SMS / EMail / Smart Card / RFID Technology
  • RFID integration is done using Web Service based on NCIP/SIP2 Protocols
  • Compliance with Library Technology and ICT prevalent in Libraries.
  • HELP Desk support at 011-24305489
  • Regular Trainings are organized for e-Granthalaya Users
  • Empanelment of Roll-out Services in NIC/NICSI for payment based services like Data Entry, On-Site Training and Manpower Deployment.
  • Library Catalog uploaded in Union Catalog of Government Libraries, hosted in NIC Cloud and accessible in public domain at https://egranthalaya.nic.in

B. Product Oriented Features

  • Cloud Ready Application with Mass Deployment Architecture.
  • Can connect any kind of DBMS, however, hosted in NIC Clodu with PostgreSQL - An Open Source DBMS.
  • Multi-Tenant Application - connect mutiple databases with Single-Signup across the libraries.
  • Well Scalable with more VMs and other Cloud Resources.
  • User Configurable components.
  • Well Secured Application with Audit.
  • With well written documentation.
  • Supports Multi-Tasking, can be opened in different browsers with many windows.
  • Integration with MAIL/SMS/Smart Card/Barcode/RFID/AADHAR.
  • API added for other applications.
  • API from other Applications integrated such as Google Language API / ISBN API / Z39.50 Integration / WorldCat Integration / Book Cover Photo API / Book Reviews and Ratings, etc.